East Africa Institute

A Think Tank for the East African Community

The region is undertaking the most ambitious regional integration agenda since the European Union.

Yet they lack a dedicated, world-class think tank.

We're fixing that.

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To reduce poverty in East Africa.

We believe the most efficient way to reduce poverty is to boost growth, particularly growth that is inclusive and sustained.

To boost growth, we will accelerate and improve regional integration, which evidence and economic theory suggest is one of the most effective growth promoters.


Just-in-time pro-bono consulting
Just-in-time pro-bono consulting

The Institute will be on hand to provide just the support that is needed when it’s needed, whether that’s ghostwriting a regulation at an official’s direction, producing an economic analysis, facilitating a meeting, etc.

National movement building
National movement building

We will build national chapters to promote the regional integration agenda. Bringing together a set of stakeholders, including traders, professionals, students and more, they will politely push for policy adoption.

Cohort building
Cohort building

The Institute will undertake activities to build cohesion and excitement among the integration team. For instance, we will create shared spaces to socialize outside work and develop recognition schemes.

Push positive East Africa patriotism
Push positive East Africa patriotism

We will work to reframe EAC’s work as outwardly focused: EAC is poised to become the leader of Africa, which in turn will lead the second half of the 21st century. We will advocate for and nurture this perspective.


We are launching summer 2025.

EAC is launching in summer 2025

Contact Us

General Inquiries



Elijah Goldberg elijah@eastafrica.institute

John Bosco Kalisa johnbosco@eastafrica.institute